My Messy House

If any of you were thinking of letting your perfectly precious little pre-schoolers grow up to become teenagers one day, maybe this will give you pause. It may also explain why I walk around grumbling to myself and swearing under (and over) my breath an awful lot:

As the illustrious Bossy would say, “YES WAY!”

Oh and this was taken last weekend and was only tidied last night when she learned that we’d be taking a special trip south of border tomorrow to stock up on necessities (flour, mascara, bacon, shoes, cheese, handbags, liquor) and we’re not going if this damned house isn’t perfect!!!

8 responses to this post.

  1. oh dude….this is what my room looked like clean!


  2. yeah, my elementary school-aged kids’ rooms look waaaaaay worse than that!


  3. Umm….Makes me think I should take a pic of Jake’s room.

    Then again, maybe not. 😛 It’s disgusting enough.



  4. I’m embarrassed to say my teen cleaned his room two days ago and now it looks worse than your pics there. At least it doesn’t smell like feet and azz anymore. LMAO


  5. Posted by CanadianCarrie on April 5, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    Damn, I was hoping they grew out of that!! Mine are 3 and 5, and there’s no point to cleaning it unless we’re expecting company!! Our living room usually looks like a messy toy room, even though we have a living room-turned-toy-room downstairs. Thanks for the warning!
    How was the trip across the border?


  6. (coming out of lurkdom to say …)
    I see floor!
    (now I’ll go back under my rock and read some more)


  7. I feel for you, although I am sure there are a lot worse out there! Have they been sufficiently shamed to tidy up?


  8. It is a losing whole family is like that…..


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